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Disaster Management Training Programme

Sector for Emergency Management of Republic of Serbia hosted the Host Nation Support workshop in Belgrade. The workshop was part of our DMTP program and was used to exchange on various elements that are part of sending and receiving assistance. In the last 10 years there were over 48 activations of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism only in this part of Europe.

Upon the invitation of the Protection and Rescue Directorate of Montenegro, Head of Secretariat at DPPI SEE participated at the EU BALANCE field exercise as lead trainer. Together with the Head of Secretariat the exercise was also supported by the Finance/Admin assistant and the two interns from Lund University – Masters program of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, Spilios Iliopoulos and Tjorben Niklas Zenker.

This event was a contribution of the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of Republic of Slovenia to our annual training program. Total number of 16 firefighters from 8 DPPI SEE member states had the opportunity to train various fire suppression techniques, to exchange and to learn from each other. The Training Center in Ig, Slovenia offered excellent working conditions to meet the learning objectives. This is one of our traditional trainings that we are having in our program and one of the most appreciated by the participants.

DPPI SEE member states and DPPI SEE Secretariat were present at the EU Civil Protection Forum in Brussels, Belgium. During the warm up session held on the 27 June special attention was given to the Western Balkans by recognizing the efforts of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina to become future members of UCPM. By the words of EU commissionaire Janez Lenarcic, the expansion of the UCPM with Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina is his top priority.

As associated partner to the EU funded project LINKS, DPPI SEE member states participated at the workshop in Split, Croatia on the 24 June. The workshop had the following objectives:

DPPI SEE supported the participation of its member states at the biggest expo on firefighting and civil protection in Europe – INTERSCHUTZ 2022 in Hannover, Germany.

The training held in Belgrade was a continuation of the basic training on PDNA that was conducted in Sarajevo in February 2020. This time and thanks to the collaboration with the UNDP regional office in Istanbul, the training focused on building future trainers on PDNA in the region of SEE.

Sphere and DPPI-SEE initiated a Train of Trainer programme i

In 2020 Sphere Association and DPPI SEE initiated specific collaboration aimed at promoting the Sphere Handbook in the region of SEE by designing a suitable training program. After several basic courses on Sphere Handbook, delivered online due to COVID-19, finally we succeed to organize the first face to face Train of Trainers training in Tirana, Albania. By the end of the training 16 participants were produced as Sphere Handbook trainers.

The 2nd event under the DPPI SEE annual training program for 2022 was dedicated to the topic of local disaster risk reduction plans/strategies and Make My City Resilient 2030. The event in Antalya was co-organized with AFAD and UNDRR office for Europe and Central Asia.