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Disaster Management Training Programme

As associated partner to the EU funded project LINKS, DPPI SEE member states participated at the workshop in Split, Croatia on the 24 June. The workshop had the following objectives:

DPPI SEE supported the participation of its member states at the biggest expo on firefighting and civil protection in Europe – INTERSCHUTZ 2022 in Hannover, Germany.

The training held in Belgrade was a continuation of the basic training on PDNA that was conducted in Sarajevo in February 2020. This time and thanks to the collaboration with the UNDP regional office in Istanbul, the training focused on building future trainers on PDNA in the region of SEE.

In 2020 Sphere Association and DPPI SEE initiated specific collaboration aimed at promoting the Sphere Handbook in the region of SEE by designing a suitable training program. After several basic courses on Sphere Handbook, delivered online due to COVID-19, finally we succeed to organize the first face to face Train of Trainers training in Tirana, Albania. By the end of the training 16 participants were produced as Sphere Handbook trainers.

Sphere and DPPI-SEE initiated a Train of Trainer programme i

The 2nd event under the DPPI SEE annual training program for 2022 was dedicated to the topic of local disaster risk reduction plans/strategies and Make My City Resilient 2030. The event in Antalya was co-organized with AFAD and UNDRR office for Europe and Central Asia.

Civil Protection Days are the largest event in Slovenia aimed at presenting the national civil protection system to the wider population and raising awareness about its importance and capabilities.

The Risk Assessment Workshop that happen in Belgrade this week, was the first event for 2022 under the Disaster Management Training Program. It was a contribution of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia – Sector for Emergency Management to the program itself with a goal to exchange updates and novelties on the topic.

All major emergencies that happened in the context of South Eastern Europe in the last 10 years (Serbia/Bosnia and Herzegovina Floods, Refugee and Migrant Crisis, Earthquakes in Albania, Croatia and Turkey, COVID-19) have showed the importance of the logistics aspects in response operations. In 2021 DPPI SEE, the Global Logistics Cluster and the IFRC initiated discussions on the modalities how to better identify needs and gaps in knowledge in the member states on the topic of logistic preparedness.

Keeping up-to-date with online training techniques is essential in Covid times for DPII SEE. This is why together with Sphere we started the training in online facilitation techniques . At the end of Day one on 15.11 the 19 participants from Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina were unanimous - they loved the virtual whiteboard!