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Disaster Management Training Programme

The 3rd and the final Planning conference for DPPI FLEX 2023 was completed.

In the context of the preparations for DPPI FLEX 2023 simulation exercise in October a training on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles was organized in Jastrebarsko, Croatia from 01-03 July 2023. The training was aimed for the participants to the exercise and captured both theoretical and practical segments of drone operations.

The planning process for DPPI FLEX 2023 continued with the 2nd Planning conference that was held in Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 20-21 June 2023. Prior the conference and as part of the preparation process two trainings were completed (Sphere in Urban Settings and Get Airports Ready for Disasters) and one is scheduled for July (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The conference was used to refine the exercise structure and the scenario and also visit the exercise locations.

Get Airports Ready for Disaster’ (GARD) is a public-private partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Deutsche Post DHL (DP DHL) to prepare airports as logistics hubs in the event of disaster, The three-day event of the internationally recognized training program Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD Plus) was concluded yesterday in Sarajevo.

Forest fires conference in Podgorica, Montenegro covered the topics of fire prevention and response. DPPI SEE member states used it to share their activities on both prevention and preparedness for response. Case studies of response operations were presented and examples of good practices were shared. On the second day of the conference a study visit to the fire station in Bar was conducted whihc enabled the participants to listen to the first line responders how they are organized and prepared for the upcoming fire season.

The aim of the training was to promote ethical, inclusive, rights-based and people centered humanitarian response in urban contexts via the proper application of Sphere Standards. Total number of 15 participants from 8 DPPI SEE member states followed the training which is being implemented for the first time in a classroom format. The training audience was a mix between civil protection experts and the ones from the Red Cross societies. Some of the Sphere trainers that were produced last year also attended.

The 3rd event this year was the workshop on Building capacities to respond to large open space fires – the model of organizing and functioning of the air force, renting and purchasing aircrafts. It was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sector for Protection and Rescue and included 45 participants on site and 27 participants online.

The recently established DPPI SEE Working Group on Risk Assessments had its first online meeting on the 31 March 2023. The suggestion to have a permanent structure within DPPI SEE that will exchange on current activities, trends and challenges on risk assessment came up as an outcome of our workshop held in Belgrade last year. Acknowledging the importance of the risk assessments the 44.DPPI SEE Regional meeting approved the creation of the working group.

On 30.03 we had a pleasure to host representatives from IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina and Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting was used to share updates on current and planned activities in all 3 organization. Potential areas of collaboration in 2023 are seen in the context of the upcoming field exercise DPPI FLEX 2023 that will be organized in October. As part of the scenario for the exercise, camp management and camp coordination is envisaged and we are counting on the support from both IOM and Red Cross Society in designing a meaningful scenario.

On the 29th of March, Head of Secretariat visited RACVIAC - Center for security cooperation in Croatia. The meeting was used to explore possibilities and put into practice the collaboration agreement that was signed between the two organization in 2010. Upon the presentation of RACVIAC, Head of Secretariat elaborated the organizational structure and the mandate of DPPI SEE and informed the colleagues in RACVIAC about the priorities for 2023. The meeting was concluded with the intention to join forces and try to organize at least one training event in 2024.