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Disaster Management Training Programme

The event was part of this year Republic of Macedonia contribution to the Disaster Management Training Programme  of DPPI SEE and was organized by the Protection and Rescue Directorate of the Republic North Macedonia and the Private Medical Centre Adzi Badem Sistina in Skopje.

Based on the invitation from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (GIES) to the Member States of Disaster Pareparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE), representatives of DPPI SEE together with a delegation of GIES attended the International Conference on Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management - ELSEDIMA, in Cluj Napoca, 17-18 May 2018.

The Seminar on “Intervention on the occurrence of accidents and fires in tunnels, roads and railway traffic“ which will be held in Belgrade, Serbia on 12-13 April 2018.

  Invitation Letter Administrative Arrangements VIP Program Registration Form

The field exercise RO-MODEX 2017 was hosted by IGSU (General Inspectorate For Emergency Situations of Romania) and was organized in a Consortium with National Centre APELL for Disaster Management, State Rescue Fire Service, Latvia (SFRS), Austrian Red Cross (ARC), Protection and Rescue Directorate of Macedonia, General Directorate for Civil Security and Crisis Management of France and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).<

The seminar was hosted by the Sector for Emergency Management of the Serbian Ministry of Interior and represents Serbian contribution to the DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme for the year 2017.    The event was organized with an aim to raise awareness on importance of continuous improvement of preparedness at local level for an efficient response to emergien

The event was hosted and organized by AFAD (Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority) with an objective to facilitate better understanding of DRR in the scope of “Safe School” initiative and illustrate the role and interoperability of different stakeholders (Ministries of Education, Disaster and Emergency Management Authorities of the SEE in application of DR