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1st Planning Conference for DPPI SEE Simulation Exercise 06-08 March 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 25, Jan 2023

At the last 44.DPPI SEE Regional meeting held in Dubrovnik, Croatia member states have agreed to work together in organizing a simulation exercise within the DPPI SEE training program for 2023. This decision had two preconditions: 1. To identify the host country for the exercise and 2.To have a draft concept for the exercise itself. Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sector for rescue and protection took the initiative and accepted the challenging task to host the first ever field simulation exercise organized in the framework of DPPI SEE. The second precondition was also met and a draft concept for the simulation exercise was prepared building the exercise around a flood scenario and testing the response capabilities of drone teams, logistics and camp management.

The 1st Planning conference held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina had the purpose of identification of the exercise objectives, exercise design and the training needs. 57 participants representing 9 DPPI SEE member states came to Sarajevo and actively contributed to the objectives of the conference. In addition to the work done we have also identified the name of the exercise itself, DPPI FLEX 2023. Next steps are scenario planning and training preparations for the respective teams in accordance to the identified needs for the exercise.