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Disaster Management Training Programme

Keeping up-to-date with online training techniques is essential in Covid times for DPII SEE. This is why together with Sphere we started the training in online facilitation techniques . At the end of Day one on 15.11 the 19 participants from Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina were unanimous - they loved the virtual whiteboard! Looks like JamBoard will be getting some use in future Sphere facilitations in South Eastern Europe!

This weekend we started with the Cave Rescue Training in Sezana, Slovenia. Total number of 17 participants representing 8 DPPI SEE member states are attending the training. The Cave Rescue Training is one of the traditional trainings that are running in our program in the last 10 years and is the first one this year that is organized with physical presence. Many thanks to the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of Republic of Slovenia and their Cave Rescue Team for organizing the training.

This week under the framework of our annual training program we have initiated the SPHERE online training.

Due to the current situation with COVID 19 the training has been postponed.

In cooperation with the World Bank, EU and UNDP, DPPI SEE hosted the regional training workshop on Post Disaster Needs Assessment in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is a methodology designed to assist the affected communities in their recovery process.

This seminar was Serbian contribution to DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme for 2019 and as such it is the last event in the year.

Disasters and complex emergencies often result in significant environmental impacts. Therefore, a key element of emergency response is the rapid identification and mitigation of environmental risks.

This week 16 firefighters representing 9 DPPI SEE member states are in Ig, Slovenia for the Basic Hot Fire training as part of the annual contribution of the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of Republic of Slovenia to this year DPPI SEE training program.

This week UNDRR office in Bonn is organizing training workshop on Sendai Framework Monitoring and Disaster Loss Databases. This is the 2nd time since last year that UNDRR is organizing such events aimed to build capacities of partners for the process of Sendai Monitoring.