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General Directorate for Civil Emergencies of Republic of Albania in its role of DPPI SEE Chair in Office for 2019, hosted the 38th DPPI SEE Regional meeting in Tirana. During the meeting DPPI SEE member states had the opportunity to discuss the financial affairs of the Initiative and review the implementation of the Annual Work Plan for 2019.


The 37th DPPI SEE Regional meeting held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (06-07.11.2018) was used to review the operational and financial status of the Initiatives and to decide about the future activities. Under the Chairmanship of Turkey, DPPI SEE member states had the possibility to discuss the Annual Work Plan for 2019 and the content of the Disaster Management Training Program for 2019.

As of July 4, 2018 DPPI SEE is one step closer towards completing the procedures for its legal status. Four DPPI SEE member states Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia signed the Host Country Agreement in Sarajevo. In the upcoming weeks Albania will be ready to do so after which the national authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina will proceed with final endorsement and ratification. This extraordinary meeting was also used to initiate planning of DPPI SEE activities for 2019 by the Trio Mechanism (Romania, Turkey and Alabnia).       

The meeting was hosted by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (AFAD) in its capacity of the DPPI SEE Chair-In- Office 2018 and is organized in close cooperation with the DPPI SEE Secretariat.   The 36st DPPI SEE regional meeting focused on identifying needs and priorities of the DPPI SEE member states in dealing with disaster preparedness and prevention related challenges.


Meeting attendance
Participants: DPPI SEE member countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey), European Commission, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), UNISDR and MSB- IPA DRAM. 
DAY I – 35th DPPI SEE regional meeting 
Opening remarks by DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office 2017 (Romania)

Romanian General Inspectorate of Emergency Situations (IGSU), Ministry of Interior of Romania, hosted and chaired the first biannual DPPI SEE regional meeting in 2017.

Republic of Slovenia (Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, ACPDR) chaired the 2016 autumn session of the DPPI SEE regional meeting in its role of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office for the year 2016.

The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, in its role of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office for 2016, hosted the 32nd DPPI SEE regional meeting in the Adriatic coastal city of Portorož (Slovenia) on two consecutive days, 5 - 6 April 2016. The spring session 2016 analysed, discussed and further provided guidance and concrete recommendations  to support and complement the efforts of the South Eastern Europe in disaster preparedness and prevention, while preserving synergies and collaboration among relevant partner organisations/ stakeholders committed to

The 31st regional meeting of the Disaster Preparednes and Prevention Initiative for South Eatsern Europe (DPPI SEE) was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 3 and 4 November 2015. The autumn session 2015 was co-hosted by Serbia in its capacity of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office 2015 and DPPI SEE Secretariat.  The meeting gathered representatives of the DPPI SEE member countries' disaster management, i.e.

The 30th DPPI SEE regional meeting was held in Belgrade and was hosted by the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia in its capacity of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office 2015. The aim of this year’s spring session was to further facilitate and provide guidance for effective fulfilment of the DPPI SEE goals and objectives as set out in the DPPI SEE Memorandum of Understanding (2013) through inclusive discussion on the DPPI SEE current and future planned activities, including through review of the activities implemented in the framework of the Initiati
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