The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, in its role of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office for 2016, hosted the 32nd DPPI SEE regional meeting in the Adriatic coastal city of Portorož (Slovenia) on two consecutive days, 5 - 6 April 2016.
The spring session 2016 analysed, discussed and further provided guidance and concrete recommendations
to support and complement the efforts of the South Eastern Europe in disaster preparedness and prevention, while preserving synergies and collaboration among relevant partner organisations/ stakeholders committed to reducing the impact of disasters in this part of Europe.
Next to discussion on the DPPI SEE state of play, the spring session 2016 agenda covered a variety of complementary civil protection/ disaster management related topics thus traditionally providing an opportunity for an extensive information-exchange and updates on latest developments in the region’s Civil Protection architecture, including on the activities of the EU partner countries and European Commission.
More specifically, the meeting addressed the following points:
DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) annual plan for 2016
DPPI SEE Joint Emergency Response Unit in case of floods (JERU) project “state of play”
Latest developments in Civil Protection of the DPPI SEE members
EU projects (IPA, EU Civil Protection Mechanism, other) and possibilities for inclusion of the Western Balkan/ South Eastern Europe countries in the implementation of these
Migrants situation - presentation from the civil protection point of view
Recent, current and future planned regional activities of the DPPI SEE partners
Nine DPPI SEE member states attended the meeting, including the representatives of the EU partner states’ civil protection state authorities (Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy), UNDP - UN Regional Hub Istanbul, and with participation of the European Commission (DG ECHO) via teleconference.
Final Agenda
List of Participants
Serbia Civil Protection Developments
Migrant Situation in Slovenia Sep 2015-April 2016
Implementation of EU projects in the last 10 years Slovenian experience
EU MODEX Montana Bulgaria
Slovenian Contribution to DMTP 2016
UNDP Overview of PDNA
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