The 37th DPPI SEE Regional meeting held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (06-07.11.2018) was used to review the operational and financial status of the Initiatives and to decide about the future activities. Under the Chairmanship of Turkey, DPPI SEE member states had the possibility to discuss the Annual Work Plan for 2019 and the content of the Disaster Management Training Program for 2019. During the Advisory Board session DPPI SEE member states had the opportunity to hear the representatives of UNISDR, UNDP, UNOCHA, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, OSCE, IFRC and to exchange with them on the possibility for creating synergies. Ongoing regional projects were also presented by project team leaders of IPA DRAM, DARENet, World Vision and OSCE focusing on the legacy of their particular projects. Total number of 40 participants were present during the 37th DPPI SEE Regional Meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the closing ceremony the Chairmanship with the Initiative for 2019 was handed over from Turkey to Albania. Draft Agenda Final Conclusions List of Participants Image Gallery