Branilaca Sarajeva 34, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 218-558
+387 33 218-558
The workshop organized by Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and implemented within DPPI SEE’s Disaster Management Training Programme for 2024 gathered representative from eight DPPI SEE countries and other representatives from energy company “NIS” a.d., Red Cross of Serbia and Association of speleological organizations in Serbia.
From May 13 to 17, 2024, the "Basic Training for Rescue Dogs and Dog Handlers" took place in Jagodina, Republic of Serbia. This training was a collaborative effort between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia as part of the Disaster Management Training Programme for 2024. It was organized by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief and the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
Rescue and Protection Directorate of North Macedonia in their capacity of Chair in Office with DPPI SEE for 2024 hosted the 47 th DPPI SEE Regional meeting in Skopje on the 7th March 2024.
Participants: 23 registered participants representing all DPPI SEE member states and RCC, along with 4 participants competing in the election process for the new Head of Secretariat.
The 46.DPPI SEE Regional meeting was held in Podgorica on the 28 December in hybrid mode. During the meeting the Midterm review report on implementation of the Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025 was presented. During the last session of the agenda, the member states had the chance to discuss options for further developments of the Initiative. Organizing the new elections for the position Head of Secretariat and solving the legal status of the Secretariat are the short term priorities.
In cooperation with the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of Republic of Slovenia, DPPI SEE hosted the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop in Ljubljana. The workshop was held between 15-16 November with participation of all DPPI SEE member states. Experts in the field of psychology, social work and first responders had the opportunity to exchange of methods and practices used for psychological support to first responders after facing critical incidents at the work place.