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47th DPPI SEE Regional meeting, Skopje (N.Macedonia), 7-8 March 2024

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 8, Feb 2024

Rescue and Protection Directorate of North Macedonia in their capacity of Chair in Office with DPPI SEE for 2024 hosted the 47 th DPPI SEE Regional meeting in Skopje on the 7th March 2024.


Participants: 23 registered participants representing all DPPI SEE member states and RCC, along with 4 participants competing in the election process for the new Head of Secretariat.

Conclusions from the 47th DPPI SEE Regional meeting:

  • After a successful election process, Mr. Rade Rajkochevski was elected as the new Head of Secretariat of DPPI. The event was overseen by the representatives of the CiO for 2023 (Montenegro) and 2024 (North Macedonia), along with a number of representatives from other DPPI member states with the goal to ensure transparency and fairness. After the count, it was established that 9/10 voting slips have been deemed valid in accordance with the before agreed rules and criteria. Taking into consideration that in the event that the 10th voting slip was also valid, the outcome of the election would not change.

  • Member states agreed that the next course of action regarding the HCA is that the DPPI Secretariat directs its efforts towards sending letters to respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Turkiye, requesting updates regarding the current stage and possible finalization of the ratification process.

  • Budget of DPPI SEE for the year 2024 was reviewed and agreed upon disregarding any possible objections and confusion. With the election and official beginning of mandate of the new Head of Secretariat, DPPI Secretariat will, after 01.04.2024, begin the process of public procurement for the external audit of the year 2023. The documentation has already been finalized and is waiting for the signature of the newly elected Head of Secretariat. The before mentioned, shall be sent to the Member States for the final review before being published on the DPPI SEE website. After the finalization of the external audit, the Member States shall receive the detailed expenditure report of the 2023 budget.

  • Draft proposals for partnership agreements with UNDP and DHL respectively, have been reviewed by the present representatives of the DPPI Member States. It was agreed that the final comments on the proposals are to be delivered by the Member States to the DPPI Secretariat until 8th of April 2024. 

  • Proposals for the 2024 DMTP which were received by the DPPI Secretariat before the 47th DPPI SEE
    Regional Meeting were reviewed.

  1. DPPI Secretariat will share the invitation for the events in Turkiye organized by DHL.

  2. Member States, which have yet to propose events, are invited to share their respective suggestions for 2024 DMTP events until the 8th of April.

  3. Member States shared encouragement towards joint planning and implementation for 2024 DMTP

  4. Member States are taking into consideration the EOE (Exchange of experts) program for one of the possible events of 2024 DMTP.

  • Representative of Turkiye, during the 47th DPPI Regional Meeting, offered the proposition that the 48th DPPI Regional Meeting is to be held in Turkiye. Bosnia and Herzegovina, being the traditional destination for the 2nd yearly Regional Meeting, accepted the proposition from Turkiye.