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Workshop on „Private-Public Partnership in the Field of Disaster Risk Management“, Belgrade (Serbia), held from 28 to 29 May 2024 in Belgrade (Republic of Serbia)

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 30, May 2024

The workshop organized by Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and implemented within DPPI SEE’s Disaster Management Training Programme for 2024 gathered representative from eight DPPI SEE countries and other representatives from energy company “NIS” a.d., Red Cross of Serbia and Association of speleological organizations in Serbia. 

The workshop emphasized the importance of collaboration between civil protection authorities and external partners. Discussions centered on developing effective partnerships to enhance disaster prevention, preparedness and response, showcasing successful case studies from DPPI SEE countries. Key topics included the critical role of external partners in disaster risk management and the need for resilient infrastructure and comprehensive framework in dealing with emergencies and disasters. Additionally, the workshop examined current institutional setup, policies and legislative frameworks, recommending improvements to support and integrate private-public partnerships into national disaster management strategies. 

The workshop resulted in a commitment to strengthen and expand private-public partnerships among participating countries and organizations, with the formation of new collaborations aimed at enhancing regional disaster preparedness. Participants assessed the current achievements and approaches in developing private-public partnership in disaster risk management and formulated actionable measures and recommendations, focusing on improved coordination, communication, and resource-sharing, serving for capacity building within the DPPI SEE network, planning future workshops and joint exercises. Enhanced networking and knowledge exchange fostered a community of practice in disaster risk management, with an agreement to advocate for policy changes supporting institutionalized private-public partnerships at national and regional levels.