For the second time in a row DPPI SEE had its regional meeting online due to COVID-19. The online environment enabled record number of participation during the meeting with over 60 attendants representing national governments, international organizations, research foundations, team leaders of relevant regional projects and universities. Under the chairmanship of Ministry of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria – DG Fire Safety and Civil Protection, the meeting was used to review the Annual Work Plan for 2021, the activities envisaged with our training program and the ongoing project that we are implementing together with UNDRR on developing sub regional Risk INFORM index in four pilot states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Montenegro). During the second day of the meeting together with the international partners we shared the main conclusions from the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering held in March 2021, updates on the WMO project on SEE-Multi Hazard Early Warning System were given, presentation on used of drones in humanitarian operations was given, two regional reports analyzing preparedness and response capacities and actions were presented together with the results from the DRIVER+ project and the novelties from the LINKS project in which DPPI SEE is associated partner. We concluded the day with a panel discussion on the challenges when organizing simulation exercises in times of COVID-19. DPPI SEE remains committed to its mission of connecting people and organizations across the region. Presentations: INDIMA_DPPI -Simulation exercises in times of Covid‐19 ASSESSMENT STUDY OF THE ROLE OF NDMAs IN COVID 19 CRISIS RESPONSE AND IMPACT OF COVID 19 ON NDMAs OPERATIONS PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT STUDY OF THE ROLE OF NDMAs IN COVID 19 CRISIS RESPONSE AND IMPACT OF COVID 19 ON NDMAs OPERATIONS PRESENTATION - 2 DPPI SEE 2021 - BALANCE - CHALLENGES ON ORGANIZING SIMULATION EXERCISES IN TIMES OF COVID DPPI SEE Exercises in times of Covid EMERGENCIES IN A COVID-19 CONTEXT Croatian Experience Emergency Preparedness and Response Analysis in the Western Balkans EU Full Scale Exercise ResponSEE Project presentation PPT DG ECHO - New UCPM legislative proposal Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the EU in the field of Civil Protection July-December 2021 Subnational INFORM Risk Index for SEE pilot countries