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"lnsurance as a method for Disaster Risk Reduction in SEE" , 23-24 April 2013, Berovo, Macedonia

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 30, Nov 2022
The seminar with a title "lnsurance as a method for Disaster Risk Reduction in SEE"seminar  was held on 23 - 24 April 2013 at hotel “Manastir”, Berovo, Macedonia. The seminar was hosted by the Macedonian Protection and Rescue Directorate and was organized in cooperation with the National Insurance Supervisory Agency of Macedonia under the framework of the DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) 2013.
The main objective of the seminar was to share information and discuss the current status of disaster insurance in the region of SEE, including the recommendations for further improvements of the use of disaster insurance in the SEE countries efforts to build disaster resilient communities.
The seminar was aimed for medium/ senior level disaster planners in addition to the representatives of the national agencies for insurance supervision. As part of the seminar two-day programme, the participants (DPPI SEE Parties’ representatives) also had an opportunity to deliver one fifteen-minute presentation on the seminar main topic. 

More information on the course and programme of the seminar is available in the Report  on the event.
 The language of the seminar was English and no translation was provided.