The 29th regional meeting of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative of South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE) was held in Sarajevo, the seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat. The meeting was hosted by the DPPI SEE Secretariat and was co-organised with the Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro in its capacity of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office Anchor2014.
The aim of this year's autumn session of the DPPI SEE regional meeting was to further facilitate and provide guidance for effective fulfilment of the DPPI SEE goals and objectives as set out in the DPPI SEE Memorandum of Understanding (2013) through participatory discussion among delegations of all DPPI SEE member countries on the DPPI SEE current and future planned activities, including through review of the activities implemented in the period between two regional meetings for the year 2014.
The closed session proceedings included discussion on the on-going and future implementation of the DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme, as well as on activities in preparation for the forthcoming tender for procurement of project equipment within the DPPI SEE project «Joint Emergency Response Units in case of floods». In addition, the closed session further provided countries’ updates on the status of the DPPI SEE Memorandum of Understanding 2013 ratification process, followed by updates on the on-going national consultations on the proposed text of the DPPI SEE Host Country Agreement.
On the occasion of the 29th regional meeting, the Memorandum of Understanding (2013) was signed by Romania, thus further reaffirming Romania’s commitment to regional cooperation in the framework of the DPPI SEE.
In addition to discussion on the DPPI SEE institutional issues within the closed session, the DPPI SEE regional table, as usual, also provided a forum for an exchange of disaster preparedness, prevention and disaster risk reduction related information, as well as for update on regional activities of the DPPI SEE's partners, relevant to and focusing on cross-border cooperation in the South Eastern Europe.
In addition to reflecting on May 2014 Floods in the SEE region through countries’ presentations on lessons identified (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia), the Advisory Board (open) session of the regional meeting also included the following: 1) Overview of regional IPA programmes (IPA 2013 and 2014) and update on preparations for the announcement of IPA 2015 Call - Risk Assessment, Disaster Loss Databases, Risk mapping/ Electronic regional risk atlas (the European Commission (DG ECHO)); 2) Presentation on the EU Exchange of Experts in Civil Protection Programme (German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)); 3) Presentation on the UN OCHA’s role in emergencies and key coordination tools for effective disaster response (UN OCHA); 4) Presentation on the Aerial Fire Fighting Europe 2015 Workshop, Conference and Exhibition (Tangent Link ltd.). In addition, the presentations were also delivered by Disaster Management and Emergency Situations Presidency of Turkey (AFAD), Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of the Republic of Slovenia (URSZR) and DG Fire Safety and Civil Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Next DPPI SEE regional meeting (spring 2015) will be hosted by the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia in its capacity of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office for the year 2015.
CROATIA - May 2014 floods
SERBIA - May 2014 Floods
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Video - Floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina
TURKEY - Standardization of Natural Hazard Maps
SLOVENIA - MNE QUAKE Exercise 2014
BULGARIA - Implementataion of eCall in Bulgaria
European Commission DG ECHO - Regional IPA Programmes
German Federal Agency for Technical Relief - EU Exchange of Experts in Civil Protection Programme
UN OCHA - Coordination saves lives
Tangent Link ltd. - Aerial Fire Fighting Europe 2015
List of Participants
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