Following the Command, Control and Coordination Course (November 2013, Serbia) being the 1st activity in the set of those planned within the DPPI SE JERU project, on 20 January 2014 the 3rd JERU planning meeting was held in Sarajevo whereby representatives of 9 project participating countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey) discussed on further implementation of the project activities in 2014 onwards.
The main topics discussed at the meeting included arrangements for the procurement and dissemination of the JERU personal protection equipment and planning/ organization of the JERU SWIFT practical trainings. In this respect, the participating countries also performed further analysis of the proposed JERU personal protection equipment and reached agreement on the technical details of the equipment.
On the same occasion, the participating countries had the opportunity to learn more about and comment on the implementation of the upcoming IPA Programme for floods prevention, preparedness and response which is meant to establish multinational floods related modules in the EU candidate countries and potential candidates and to boost countries' approximation to the EU Floods Directive. DG ECHO plans to launch the programme towards Oct 2014.
Though this IPA Programme was initially created in order to accommodate the request by the countries to receive support for the implementation of the JERU project, the agreement was nevertheless reached on continuing the current format of the JERU activities while the IPA programme on floods will be implemented as a separate programme outside the scope of the DPPI SEE while keeping a close coordination link between the two initiatives.
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