XXV DPPI SEE Regional Meeting was held on 13 - 14 November 2012 in Sarajevo, the seat of DPPI SEE Secretariat and was hosted/ organized by the DPPI SEE Secretariat in close cooperation with Bulgaria, the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office 2012.
As per usual practice, the Agenda of the meeting covered a variety of subjects, including a number of internal institutional issues of importance for undeterred future functioning of the DPPI SEE. In the course of the two-day meeting the following sessions were convened:
DMTP Steering Group session
The session included discussions on the DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) 2013 and DPPI SEE Parties’ proposals on activities for inclusion in DMTP annual Work Plan 2013. The session resulted in 11 activities being proposed and adopted so far by the Steering Group, including a proposal on a joint DPPI SEE/ UNICEF workshop (12 in total). Further proposals will be integrated in the DMTP Work Plan draft by the end of the year 2012.
Advisory Board session
The session included presentations by European Commission - DG ECHO (current and upcoming IPA programmes), UNISDR - Europe Regional Office (UNSDR/WMO regional project related activities), UNICEF (its 1st DRR project/ proposal for joint DPPI SEE/ UNICEF activity within the project), Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency - MSB (DPPI SEE DRR project - next steps) and CIMA Research Foundation (proposal for two potential areas for cooperation).
Related presentations: EC - IPA Programmes, UNISDR part 1 EFDRR, UNISDR part 2 EFDRR
Regional Meeting - DAY I (closed session)
DPPI SEE Memorandum of Understanding - 1st Jan 2014 onwards (agreement on future steps)·
The DPPI SEE Parties’ unanimous support for further continuing their cooperation in the framework of DPPI SEE following the expiration of the existing DPPI SEE Memorandum of Understanding, 31st December 2013;
DPPI SEE Host Country Agreement (HCA)- agreement on the urgency of solution finding
Further negotiations needed with the competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure legal functioning of the DPPI SEE Secretariat and fulfilment of the host country commitments in line with the signed international agreement.
Kosovo* request for membership in the DPPI SEE
Inclusion of Kosovo as an observer in the activities implemented in the framework of DPPI SEE will be subject to further discussions with the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia.
DPPI SEE legal documents (Rules of Procedure& Financial Management Rules)
The DPPI SEE Parties re-confirmed their support for documents adoption once a still pending confirmation by Bosnia and Herzegovina is communicated to the Secretariat to allow for reaching the consensus on the adoption.
DPPI SEE Strategy& Action Plan 2012 - 1014 (Draft)
The document is to be subject to further discussion.
DPPI SEE Secretariat Staff employment contracts, expiry date 15th April 2013 - discussion on necessary related steps
The exact date of the vacancies announcement and manner in which these are to be advertised shall be agreed by the DPPI SEE CiO 2012 and DPPI SEE CiO 2013 in the weeks to come.
Regional Meeting - DAY II
Election of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office 2013
The next DPPI SEE Regional meeting spring session 2013 shall be scheduled for the 1st half of March 2013 under the chairmanship of Moldova. The exact date and venue are yet TBC.
■ Exchange of information on recent emergences in SEE - DPPI SEE Parties’ presentations
Albania - FIRES 2012
*This Designation is Without Prejudice to Positions on Status, and is in Line With UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
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