The course was organized and hosted by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief at the Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief in Ig near Ljubljana (Slovenia). The course represented Slovenian contribution to the DPPI SEE Disaster Management Training Programme 2011.

The course objectives
The course focused on increasing participants’ effectiveness in reading and writing documents related to disaster management. After the course, participants:
- Became familiar with the basic terminology used in disaster management.
- Learned the terminology used in relevant documents and correspondence.
- Were able to read documents, such as EURATOM Acts and EU Council Decisions, and other texts related to this field, understand key points and most details.
- Were able to understand authentic European Commission Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC) messages, assessments and situation reports.
- Were able to write MIC messages, assessments and short situation reports, based on given scenarios, to express ideas in a properly organized manner demonstrating a suitable control of basic grammatical structures.
- Were able to identify and correct language mistakes in the above mentioned correspondence.
Target audience
The course was intended for senior civil protection operational experts or advisers for international affairs that needed to understand the documents and communication in English language, particularly when they were involved in communication/correspondence in relation to provision of mutual assistance in disasters. The representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey participated in the course.