The course was hosted, organized and facilitated by ACPDR (Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief) in cooperation with NPRD (National Protection and Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Croatia).
The course provides in depth orientation on disaster risk reduction concepts and guidance, including the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as understanding of the key aspects and activities of response and recovery. The course also guides and enables participants to prepare a DRR related group project proposal during the course to be presented at the end of the course.
Other course objectives are:
Establish a common understanding of the tenets on which lie the foundations of disaster risk reduction
- Develop a better understanding of preparedness, response and recovery as integral to disaster risk reduction.
- Illustrate the role of different stakeholders in DRR, the integrated nature between the sectors in DRR and the importance of coordination between stakeholders.
- Introduce and discuss the already put in place mechanisms for reducing disaster losses and risk management, focused on the region of South-Eastern Europe.
- Present and discuss the concepts and guidance of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as well as the implementation and follow-up to the strategic goals and priorities for action 2015-2030.
- Build a network among the participants by sharing the experience, existing know-how and team building.
The DRR course 2016 was attended by 16 participants from nine (9) DPPI SEE member countries (Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey).