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Joint Emergency Response Unit (JERU) Command, Control and Coordination Course (C3), 4 - 8 November 2013, Kovacica, Serbia

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 30, Nov 2022

The Command, Control and Coordination (C3) Course is the first in the set of activities planned within the DPPI SEE JERU project work plan. The course was organized by the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia in the framework of the Initiative.
The main objective of the course is to prepare team leaders of JERU Flood response teams of the South East Europe for interventions in case of floods in the area of the South Eastern Europe, in addition to increasing their awareness and knowledge of the international disaster operations and enhancing their capability to lead their respective units in a multi-task and multi-stakeholder international environment. Moreover, course will provide opportunity to increase their knowledge of international response systems and coordination mechanisms and the role of team leaders in mission cycle, improve teamwork skills and integrate these in the existing national and international coordination arrangements in a disaster-affected country, as well as to discuss previous experiences in particular those where special expertise was required and/or used.
The course target audience are nominated team leaders of flood response teams from SEE and their replacements. Participants should have diverse background in national flood response operations and comprehensive knowledge of all team functions, comprehensive knowledge of water rescue techniques, tactics, tools and equipment and be familiar with composition of their team.